Beef Info


We raise our heifer (girl) calves to be  certified organic cows in our milking herd.  We raise the bull calves (not organic) for beef.  Our steers thrive on fresh air, sunshine, grass and wholesome feed, with no hormones to make them grow faster.


Because our animals probably  walk around more than your average commercial steer,  and because they are more mature at slaughter (on account of growing more slowly), we recommend you cook the roasts low and slow, and that you grill or broil steaks to medium rare (or medium at the most). Also, after all that grass and exercise, fall beef tends to be a little leaner than beef that’s slaughtered in spring, after the cattle have enjoyed a sleepy winter.



We charge on what’s called the “hanging weight” of the animal. This is the weight of the carcass after slaughter, but before it is cut, trimmed and packaged.

Our beef price is $3.50/lb hanging weight – that’s for quarters, halves and whole animal. This price does not include processing. (If you buy a whole animal, we knock $75 off the total price.) Butchering, cutting and wrapping generally cost $1.00-2.00/lb, depending on the options you choose. We appreciate a $100 deposit to hold your order.

Our steers are kind of on the small side. Each animal is  different, but this table shows what you can generally expect (does not include processing):

  Hanging wt. Your cost @ $3.50/lb Meat (lb)

Meat cost/lb   (plus processing) 

Whole beef 550 $1,925 370 $5.20
Half beef 280 $980 185 $5.30
Quarter beef 140 $490 92 $5.32


A QUICK NOTE ABOUT SPACE…  1/8 of a steer will fit into the average refrigerator freezer. If you order a half or a quarter, you’ll need a separate freezer (unless you are splitting w/ friends).   check out our nifty FREEZER REBATE offer!